Available courses

This course is designed to effectively build a team despite the limitations of virtual working. 

This course helps identify the importance of work-life balance and cultivate a more balanced lifestyle. 

 This course is designed to help individuals better organize their time, delegate tasks, and overcome barriers. 

This course is designed to set and expect appropriate goals for staff members.

This course is designed to help individuals manage stress using several techniques. 

This course is designed to define and identify social learning tools. 

This course is designed to increase cultural awareness and humility within the workplace. 

This course is designed to create a workplace culture of recognition and appreciation.

This course is designed to help learners utilize several techniques to maximize productivity. 

This course aims to help learners mitigate office quarrels and squabbles. 

This course aims to facilitate the onboarding process for millennials. 

This course aims to provide a definition of management and workplace ethics. 

This course aims to prepare learners to onboard managers and successfully train the new leaders. 

This course emphasizes the importance of unbiased selection processes. 

This course aims to help you prepare, plan, and execute business succession. 

This course aims to define body language and explores body language interpretation. 

This course aims to emphasize the importance of cultivating a team, gaining trust among them, and overcoming adversity. 

This course is dedicated to helping learners cultivate success in sales.

This course prepares staff members who work from home to better manage time, and complete tasks efficiently. 

This course stresses the importance of team building and the value of diversity among members. 

This course aims to discuss the fundamentals of social intelligence such as empathy, active listening, effective communication, etc. 

This course prepares learners to understand sales language, handle customer objections, and much more. 

This course aims to identify types of proposals. 

This course focuses on optimal delivery methods, visual aids, and overcoming anxiety for presentations. 

This course discusses image creation and control as well as using social media to benefit your brand. 

The purpose of this course is to define, identify, and overcome sales objections.

This course discusses the basics of negotiation tactics. 

The purpose of this course is to identify stressors, create coping strategies, and mediate workplace anxiety. 

This course aims to target gender inequality in the workplace and discusses how to maintain effective female leadership.

Happiness is something that can be obtained through small acts or big decisions. This course details ways to cultivate happiness in your life. 

This course focuses on the ways to become more mindful. 

The objective of this course is to foster teamwork and encourage competence in a remote work setting. 

This course prepares learners to create, implement, and maintain a wellness program within the workplace. 

This course details the necessary steps and benefits of goal-setting and accomplishing goals. 

This course discusses the unique challenges and benefits of workplaces that have age diversity.

This course aims to highlight the difficulties of terminating employees while providing guidance through the process for employers. 

Throughout this course, employee onboarding is explored. 

This course defines the concept of digital citizenship and enumerates the responsibilities that may come with the digital world. 

This course aims to explore communication strategies, particularly within a professional setting. 

This course provides you the fundamentals of Emotional Intelligence and will help you to better understand others and more importantly yourself.

Cultural Competency in Healthcare helps healthcare professionals achieve compliance for practicing healthcare with people and across all social identities.